
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

Friends Of Shakespeare Infants (FOSI)

FOSI Newsletter June-July 2024

Latest Newsletter March-April 2024

Fundraising Objectives for 2023:

Contributing towards a climbing wall


Bank Account Details for Donations gratefully received:

Account Number: 11923377

Sort Code: 01-00-13

Ref: Sensory donation




Why join Shakespeare Infant PTA?


Our official line is that the PTA offers parents the opportunity to meet other parents and form a link through the teachers to the school. It gives parents the opportunity to play an active part in the school’s welfare, both financially and materially. But basically, we are mums and dads who volunteer our time to raise money for the school and have a bit of fun in the process! 


We are a small group of parents that work together for the benefit of school. All of us are working parents and none of us are specialists in fundraising but between us we manage to put on several events throughout the year.  Our regular big events are a Christmas Bazaar, Personalised Christmas Cards, a cake sale in February, and a Summer Family Fun afternoon.   These events are organised 100% by the PTA and without a merry team of volunteers, these events would not be possible.   Throughout the year we also have other fundraising opportunities such as the travelling Book Fair, which helps the school to restock the library, and the sale of pre-loved uniform.  We are always looking for new fundraising ideas to help us raise even more and are willing to listen to anybody’s suggestions.


Most schools are dependent on the PTA for funds for certain items and Shakespeare Infant School is no different.


Every pound put into the PTA goes back to providing something for your children.


However, the PTA runs on a continuous cycle - as children reach their final year and leave, so do the parents. So, we constantly need new volunteers and new faces to ensure the PTA stays up and running – without parent support, there is no PTA.  Taking an active role with the PTA is beneficial for both parents and children but will particularly enhance your child's experience of school. The best bit about contributing to the PTA is the example it sets to your children. They will see you playing an active part in making their education more varied and getting involved illustrates good teamwork and community spirit.  It has also been scientifically proven that children whose parents are involved in their education perform better academically. What have you got to lose?!


There are a variety of small ways you can help and be involved - from designing a poster, photocopying and distributing letters in the school, cleaning up after an event, helping out on a stall…so many ways.  Giving up just 30 minutes of your time to help the PTA is invaluable. If everyone could spare 30 minutes a term to help, just think what we could achieve! Attendance at meetings is not essential, but they are often good fun.


So what could you gain by being part of the PTA?  Every PTA event is an opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you and you will be part of a like-minded network of people who all share a common goal of improving the school for all our children.

Our children are only at school for a relatively short time. PTA events such as the Christmas Bazaar will be remembered fondly by our children for a lifetime and we have the opportunity to create lasting memories.   Being part of the PTA also enables you to get to know a wide range of people that you may not have had the opportunity to talk to otherwise. 


So, how can you get involved?  Email us, like our Facebook page or leave your details at the school office. Our meetings are publicised in our newsletters, on the school website and on Facebook, and we welcome new people to come and give us some fresh ideas for the new school year.


Whatever you choose you do, you will be most welcome and your support appreciated.
