
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

Year 2 Class News

Welcome - we are pleased to meet you!

Meet our Learning Support Assistants

News - 11th February

We have had a really exciting end to this half term. Annika the Vet came in to hear our imaginary animal reports and to admire our super clay sculptures.

On Friday Robin class went to the library. Otter class have already been, and Fox class are going this Friday. We learnt about how the library is laid out and then did a bookish scavenger hunt. We had such a brilliant time!



4th February

Wow! Our animal sculptures look amazing! We have really enjoyed using the skills we have learnt to create our final pieces.






28th January

We have started our art project to sculpt an accurate animal from clay. This week we experimented with the medium to make different shapes and forms. We had so much fun!





We also used the BeeBots during computing. We are learning about algorithms and predicting what we think our robots will do after we have programmed them.


21st January 2025

We have had an interesting challenge set to us. Annika, a vet in Winchester, is trying to write a book about made-up animals, but she has run out of ideas! Luckily Annika is Ms Lamble's sister, and so she knows what brilliant creative writers we are. She has asked us to invent new animals and describe them - the only rule is the animal has to be made from 2 real animals that are NOT in the same animal class! Challenge accepted!


Here is Annika's first idea: The Coise


We are using the 'Flip Flap' animal books by Axel Scheffler for further inspiration - here is a video example from one of them: Flip Flap Zoo


14th January 2025

We are such a good scientists - we have got deeply involved in classifying and sorting animals into groups by their characteristics. Now we are using our scientific knowledge to add extra details to our diary entries. Next week we will use what we have learnt to create a whole new animal!

7th January 2025

We hope you all had a restful Christmas break - it's great to be back!

Today we launched our new project in style, with a visit from Spirit of the Wild! The home learning and project leaflet for this project can be found here.

We met a wide variety of animals and learned lots about them from Ben and Hannah.

Their website is here. Take a look through this wonderful gallery!

Iceberg Ahead Home Learning

Still image for this video
Wow, we have been AMAZED by the incredible home learning Year 2 have done at home. The children were asked to research one passenger who sailed on the Titanic in 1912 and present their findings as a poster, video or newspaper article. Here is one of the incredible videos that were sent in for Year 2 to enjoy!

News - 17th December

Thank you so much for coming to our Iceberg Ahead! outcome event. It's so great to share our learning with you!


This week we have been thinking about the importance of 'Candlelight' in our daily lives and to the Sikh, Christian and Jewish religions. We are thinking deeply about what candles mean during Advent celebrations. As well as our thoughtful lessons we have been creative and made advent wreaths.

10th December

Thank you so much for coming to our African drumming performance on Monday - what a wonderful event!


We have made wonderful mixed media paintings of the Titanic having been inspired by the oil and watercolour paintings of JMW Turner. Have a look at some of our works, and you are invited to come and see all of them this Friday at collection time in our classrooms. See you there!


3rd December

We are starting to write diaries in role as Samson the mouse - an imaginary passenger aboard the Titanic in 1912.

Here are the features we need to remember:



And here is a great example that someone has started. We can't wait to keep going and get these finished in the most exciting way!


26th November

Thank you to everyone who has come along to talk to the teachers at our parents and carers evenings. It's such a valuable time for us to give you detailed information about your children's progress and find out how your child feels about school. If you haven't had the chance to meet with the teacher please get in touch at the door or drop us an email! 

Remember you don't have to wait for the next parents evening to see us again - we are always happy to speak with you.


You should also now have the children's Times Tables Rock Stars log in. It's a fun and engaging way of gamifying learning multiplication tables. Hope everyone enjoys it!


19th Nov

We have read the most wonderful fiction book about the Titanic's fateful journey, called Samson's Titanic Journey. We have story mapped the tale and acted out the most exciting parts of the story.  Here is a link to a teacher reading the story.



12th November

We are so excited to start our history learning about the Titanic. If you would like to see more about what will be doing please have a look at our Iceberg Ahead! project leaflet.

We are lucky this week to be able to spend lots of time in the autumnal wonder of our woodland. The mild weather has given us a dry and exciting space with every colour of leaf falling to the floor!


5th November

Lots of news today!

Firstly, thank you so much for coming to our Story Tellers outcome event. It was such a lot of fun sharing our wonderful stories and moving book covers with you. We are all real authors now!


Secondly, we hope you had a wonderful half term. It was very busy in school - you might have noticed the new fence around the Year 1 classrooms and also that the decorators have left leaving behind some beautifully painted doors!


Lastly, our new Iceberg Ahead! project has got off to a flying start with a wonderful visit to the SeaCity Museum on Monday. We were totally absorbed in learning about the Titanic's extraordinary first voyage.

News - 22nd October 2022

We are ready for our exciting StoryTellers event tomorrow! Please come and join us in the Hall on Wednesday afternoon at 2.45pm to hear our stories and marvel at our amazing moving book covers!


Also a quick reminder that we are off to the SeaCity Museum on the very first Monday back (the 4th November) after half term. The children will need a water bottle, a coat and sensible shoes, but they won't need their book bags.


We can't wait!


The SeaCity Museum website


15th October 2024

This week we have been focussing on becoming excellent authors. Our stories about Emma's adventures dodging the Girrox are nearly complete and we are looking forward to sharing them with you at out outcome event on Wednesday 23rd at 2.45 in the hall. 


8th October 2024

We have been experimenting with levers, pivots and sliders in our Design and Technology lessons. We are going to use what we have learnt to design and make moving book covers which we will share with you at our Story Share session on Wednesday 23rd October at 2.45pm.

Have a look at the learning we did!



1st October 2024

This week we have used the terrifying villan that Simon Chadwick created for us - The Girrox - to write our very own wanted posters. We've displayed some of our posters around the school to warn everyone about The Girrox's terrible behaviour!



24th September 2024

We are so lucky! To launch our Storyteller's Project, Simon Chadwick; local author and illustrator, came to see us. He did an incredible illustration in front of our eyes, using our ideas!

We are going to use this amazing character to write our very own journey tale based on Little Red Riding Hood.


We have read this wonderful version of the fairy tale - you could watch it at home together!

Little Red, by Bethan Woollvin.


17th September 2024

The portraits of our friends are amazing! We were careful to get the correct proportions of the facial features and then used the oil pastels to blend the perfect colours. The end results are fabulous. Thank you for coming in to look at them with us on Friday - we love sharing our work with you.

10th September 2024

We've had a really good first week back. We especially enjoyed experimenting with pastels to create thin lines, thick lines, smudges and blends of colours. This is in preparation for our portraits in the style of Mary Cassatt


Maternal Caress, 1896, Mary Stevenson Cassatt (American, 1844–1926)



3rd September 2024

Wow! What a fabulous start to the new term. We have had a super day full of fun, games and learning. We even spent time with the PE coaches! Can we all wear our PE kit to school every Tuesday please so we are always ready to try our very best?


August 2024


We are getting really excited about welcoming all of the new Robins, Foxes and Otters into class!


We have worked hard this summer to refresh our classrooms, and lots of other parts of the school. 


I wonder which changes you will spot as you walk into school on Tuesday 3rd September? The gates will open at 8.40.


See you soon!
