
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

Year R Class News



This week we have been busy in our outdoor area! Some of us have been getting creative with the resources on the art table and have made some butterflies in different ways. We enjoy doing the activities which we like indoors, outdoors as well with our friends. 


This week we have learning about boats. We started by testing different materials and discovering whether they would float or sink. The children then make their boat from the material they discovered would float. We then tested our boat in the water to see whether it would float, and then we even put a pirate figure in our boat. 


This week we welcomed the children back after their Christmas break. The children were very excited to tell us all about what they did during the holiday.

We started our new project 'Pirates!'. We began this with a special video message from Captain McGrew asking us to train to become one of the pirate crew. To become a member of the crew we will need to complete some challenges. Our first challenge for this week was to learn what some of the pirates words mean and to make our own pirate hat. Once we had made our pirate hats we did a parade to show all the Year R children our hats. 


18th December


Christmas is nearly here! The Year R children have been very excited about Christmas and eager to make Christmas cards and decorations for their friends and family. The classrooms are now looking very festive as the children have been making decorations to display. During explore and play time, some of of us have also been building our very own Santa sleigh using the 'big builder'. 

4th December 


This week we had some maths fun in our woodland time!


During our Woodland Walk this week we used the natural items we found to help us learn about making numbers. We also used a large 5 frames to help us to see the smaller numbers which make the whole number. Some of us worked together to find fallen leaves, twigs and stones on the ground to help us with our counting. 

25th November

This week we have been exploring our last Nursery Rhyme of this project - Hey, diddle diddle! We have enjoyed singing the rhyme and have found it funny thinking of cat playing a fiddle and a cow jumping over the moon!

On Friday we are having our Nursery Rhyme Dress up day. We had a chance to share our costumes with everyone in the year group and sing the rhyme we had come dressed as.


We are looking forward to starting our new project next week. We will be getting more festive!

19th November

This week we went on an autumn walk! We explored the different colours of the leaves and had discussions about how seasons change and what happens when seasons change. We also talked about what animals we might see in different seasons. 

13th November- Music bugs 


Today we had a special Nursery Rhymes workshop from Music Bugs. This week is Nursery Rhyme week and we celebrated by singing lots of different rhymes.
-chose and played a musical instrument to the rhyme ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly’
- used a hand puppet to sing 5 Little Ducks
- had a finger puppet mouse and sang ‘Hickory Dickory Dock’
- sang ‘The Wheels on the Bus’ with actions
- used poms poms to help us when we marched around the hall to the song ‘The Grand Old Duke of York’
- sang the rhyme ‘Sleeping Bunnies’ and acted it out
- sang an ABC rhyme while playing with bubbles

We all joined in with the fun!

6th November 

This week we have enjoyed discovering nursery rhymes in the woodland during our hook. The children had great fun at singing some of the songs. We have learnt about Horace the hedgehog, one of our learning values, who has taught us about collaboration. We will be doing lots of collaboration over this project to learn different nursery rhymes together. This week we are had fun learning 'The Grand Old Duke of York' and making musical instruments from junk modelling, and building castles in the construction area. Outside we have been painting hills and exploring slopes. In maths we have been learning about the numbers 1, 2 and 3. 

23rd October

This week the children have been discussing what groups and communities they belong to. We talked about how we are all part of the Shakespeare Infant School Community and the Year R community. We shared some different groups we are part of outside of school - football clubs, dance classes, swimming lessons, Squirrels and Rainbows.

We have also been able to get outside in some sunshine and have been exploring moving the large tyres on the Huff and Puff area. We have all enjoyed using our strength to move and control them.

On Thursday we went to the Church to take part in the Harvest Festival. We joined in with songs and shared some food to be given to Eastleigh Basics Bank.

The teachers are all very proud of the children and how they have settled during their first half term in school.

14th October 


This week we continued our learning of our senses and explored a range of fruit! This was exciting as we felt, smelt and tasted the different fruits which all were very different. We have also been outside a lot and have been busy using numicon to print onto paper with paint. This exploration helped us to develop our counting skills. Some of us created nice picture with numicon and were able to count how many holes were in the picture we made. 

9th October 2024


Year R have been exploring their new classrooms and enjoying playing with their new friends. The children have particularly enjoyed exploring our woodlands. The year r team were very impressed with how quickly all the children got into their puddlesuits. In the classroom, the children have been using the role play area. They like playing with the dress up- we have seen lots of characters come out to play.  The children have been playing with lots of the toys such as the animals. It has been lovely to see them playing together. 

25th September 2024

The children have settled very well into school and have enjoyed their first full time week. Have a look at the photos of some of the learning that we have been doing this week. This week we have been reading the story 'Elmer' and exploring colours.  We have started to teach phonics using our Little Wandle programme where we have learnt the sounds s a t p. 
