
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

Year 1 Class News


Week beginning 13.01.25


We have had another exciting week learning all about the story of The Three Little Pigs BUT this week we started our reading comprehension where we read the story of Three Little Wolves and the Big BAD PIG!! We discussed what was similar and different between the two stories, then we wrote some sentences about which one story we preferred and why. 

We began our DT project this week, we are learning about structures of houses and what makes a structure strong and stable, come back next week to find out why.....

In computing we have been exploring moving robots and were very excited to get the Beebots back out!

In maths we have been deepening our understanding of partitioning numbers using part whole models and tens frames.

Week Beginning 06.01.25

Welcome back!

We have had a great first week back after the Christmas holidays. We have enjoyed sharing with our friends and teachers all about  what we got up to in the holidays. 

We have settled back into the school routines and in RHE have reminded ourselves of the Golden rules, we created our own class charter which is unique to each class, we all signed it with a heart we decorated. 

This week has been super exciting as we have been introduced to our new project He Huffed and He Puffed through our science immersion week! We have been helping the three little pigs with finding out what materials would be suitable to build their houses with. We have been investigating the properties of different materials and even carried out a science experiment to test what materials were waterproof. 

Week beginning 18.12.24

What a wonderful last week before the Christmas holidays! Our project of Betsy's grand adventure concluded with a fantastic outcome to Year Two. Year one showed off their geographical knowledge and sharing Betsy's travel diary. We also completed a mini project called "Journey's End" with the children thinking carefully about journey's they have taken and how they feel at their journey's end. The children then contextualised their knowledge by looking at stories of other journeys and thinking how the people felt at their journey's end. . In maths this week our mathematicians have thought carefully about one more and one less using numecon, number lines and tens frames. We look forward to seeing you all in the new year! 


Week beginning 9.12.24

Thank you to all who have attended our Christmas performances this week. It was wonderful to see you all and spread some festive cheer! This week in drawing club the children have been exploring the book “We are going on a lion hunt” by David Axtell. In maths your mathematician has been focusing on teen numbers and making them in a variety of ways using resources. This week the children have also created their own artwork in the style of artist Helen Frankenthaler and amazed us with their careful colour mixing and attention to detail. Well done year one!



Week Beginning 02.12.24

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at SIS! Rehearsals for our musical performance are well under way and the children cannot wait to show you what they have been practising! This week in Drawing Club the children have explored the book "Poles Apart" by Jeanne Willis. In Geography children have learnt about exciting Egypt and looked at it's human and physical features. In Maths this week your mathematician has been learning to recognise and find half of 2D shapes. 


Week Beginning 25.11.24


Thank you to those who were able to attend our parent/carer meetings this week. It has been lovely to see you! This week the children have explored the book "Ice in the Jungle" by Ariane Hofmann-Maniyar. The children have also developed their knowledge of shape in art, being creative like Chrissie as they explored the work of Helen Frankenthaler. In maths this week the children have been thinking about equal groups and halving. We anticipate another exciting week next week!


Week beginning 18.11.24

Another busy week! This week the children have enjoyed getting creative like Chrissie Caterpillar, learning about cool and warm colours. The children created artists stations and practising mixing and labelling cool or warm colours. This week your geographers have also learnt about the Equator and the North and South Poles. In drawing club the children have been responding to the book "The Journey home" by Frann Preston-Gannon. We have been really proud of how increasingly confident the children are becoming as independent writers! 

Week beginning 11.11.24

Betsy sent us another email! She is in Asia. She told us about things she'd seen, eaten and even taught us some new ways to say hello. What an exciting adventure she is having. 


Week beginning 04.11.24 

Welcome back! We hope you had all had an amazing half term. This week the children have  been introduced to their new project "Betsy's Grand Adventure". Betsy has disappeared and sent the children an email explaining  that she is going on a grand adventure to find out more about the world. Our keen geographers cannot wait to learn more! 


Week beginning 21.10.24 

This week we have been thinking about the concept of thanking. Children thought carefully about who and what they were thankful for and wrote cards to thank people who help them. The children learnt that Christians say thank you to God at harvest time and attended a wonderful harvest festival at the Church. Eastleigh basis bank were incredibly grateful for our donations. We look forward to seeing you all after a restful half term, enjoy! 


Week beginning 14.10.24

We absolutely loved welcoming you to our project outcome this week. We hope that we have convinced you .....Eastleigh is not boring... 

It was wonderful to have participation from the local area too with Matt the Baker and Aneki the Vet explaining what they do in exciting Eastleigh. We have really enjoyed this project, we can't wait to learn more after half term! 


Week beginning 7.10.24

Wow! We have had a wonderful week! Year One have enjoyed writing about "Six Dinner Sid" by Inga Moore in Drawing Club. We have also been learning about how exciting our local area is with a walk to Boyatt Wood, we can't wait to share what we have learnt with you next week!

In reading assembly this week MIss Thompson shared "The door to the house" by poet Julio Serrano Echeverria. After our amazing Poetry day the children really enjoyed this. 

In Maths we have been keen mathematicians and enjoyed using 1p coins to pay for objects. 

Week beginning 30.9.24


Gosh Year 1 have had a brilliant and busy week. In Reading Assembly Miss Lock shared one of her favourite books 'Here We Are' by Oliver Jeffers. We also read the lovely book Home by Carson Ellis and we worked hard writing some lovely sentences in drawing club. 

Squirrel class had an extra treat and made their yummy biscuits - Hedgehogs and Rabbits will also make some tasty treats in the week to come.


Possibly the most exciting part of our week however was celebrating National Poetry Day. As part of our celebrations all the teachers swapped around to share their favourite poems with different classes and then we learnt our own poem '5 Little Piggies' and performed it in Magic Moments. 


Week beginning 23.9.24


What a busy week it has been! We had lots of fun in Explore and Play this week making dens, doing phonics in the sand and even making a compass.

In DT we taste tested lots of ingredients for our biscuit making. The most popular toppings were the chocolate chips and sprinkles - yum yum!


In maths this week we have enjoyed using our part-whole models to find subtraction number sentences. 


Week beginning 16.9.24


We have had another wonderful week! We have begun our Eastleigh Explorers project with a letter from Matt the Baker asking us to help him convince the people of Eastleigh that Eastleigh is an exciting place to live. We have been keen geographers and have started to learn more about where we live. 


In maths this week we have enjoyed learning about partitioning and used part whole models to share amounts and resources. 

We are looking  to another great week next week.


Week beginning 3.9.24


We have had a great first day back, we have spent time exploring our new learning environments and getting to know our new teachers and friends. We have enjoyed sharing with our friends all about our summer and what we got up to!

 In Maths we have been exploring place value and reviewing numbers to 10. 

We have been recapping all of our Phase 3 sounds in phonics.


We have become Artists, learning all about portraits and have begun completing our own self-portraits exploring the features of our face.  


