We Care
A high-quality and ambitious education in science for all learners provides the basis for understanding the universe.
Science is a fundamental part of our daily lives and all pupils are entitled to be taught the essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science. At Shakespeare Infant School our intent is to provide a knowledge and skills rich science curriculum that focusses on learning through first hand experiences. Our vision of a child-led approach to science enables children to confidently problem solve and ask important questions about the universe and world that surrounds them and understand key concepts with a deeper level of thinking.
At Shakespeare Infant School we believe that all children have the right to an exciting and engaging science curriculum with opportunities to enquire, investigate and ask those 'what if?' and 'how does this work?' questions to further enhance their own learning and ensure the progress of scientific thought.
Shakespeare Infant School is a safe and stimulating environment with fantastic outdoor resources where children can encounter challenging and creative learning experiences in science. We stimulate the children’s natural curiosity and sense of awe and wonder about the universe in which they live, building their cultural capital by providing those fundamental skills that they will be able to take forward into adult life. Through this we know that our children will be able to appreciate how the growth of scientific knowledge and understanding has affected their everyday lives.
Our teaching of science through our integrated curriculum encourages strong connections between core and non-core subjects such as Literacy and Art. In addition to these well planned scientific teaching and learning connections, we encourage the development of our learning values of; collaboration, independence, creativity, spirituality, creativity and thinking. Our intent is to continue to embed our school ethos of ‘we care’ into the planning of science, sharing our knowledge with the wider community. As a school, we ensure that science is developed around the needs and interests of the 'whole child' where all learning is memorable, focussed and personalised for our pupils' individual needs.
Our Wonderful Experiences!
We are very lucky at SIS to have fantastic outdoor learning opportunities and very special visitors. Our woodland allows children to investigate different aspects of nature and witness the effect of seasonal changes first hand. The woodland supports our integrated curriculum - particularly when it comes to learning about mini beasts, plants and seasons. Our visitors allow us to experience extra-ordinary and awe inspiring things first hand.
Shakespeare Infant school has created an engaging, high-quality integrated curriculum which ensures progression across all year groups within science. Science is taught through different projects across the year either as the lead subject or as an applied subject.
In the Foundation Stage children are introduced to Science through Understanding of the World. They are given opportunities to observe, sort and classify and perform simple tests to help them begin to understand the world around them. For example, when the children explore different materials to make a pirate ship that will float.
In Key Stage One the curriculum is split into different areas. These include; Plants, Animals including humans, Living things and their habitats, Materials and Seasonal Changes. These areas are taught over the course of Year 1 and Year 2. Providing a science curriculum in this way allows children to develop and build upon their knowledge and skills effectively whilst also maintaining and applying knowledge from previous learning.
As the children’s knowledge and understanding develops, and they become more proficient in selecting, using scientific equipment, collating and interpreting results, they become increasingly confident in their growing ability to come to conclusions based on real evidence.
In a project where science is the lead subject, clear cross-curricular connections in other core and non-core subjects are seen in all year groups. A longitudinal study over the course of the year is also undertaken by year 1 so that the children can understand the effects of seasonal change on our local environment, developing their fieldwork skills and allowing the children to explore the school’s awe inspiring grounds.
Science is planned with exciting and interesting hooks that encourage the children’s natural curiosity and challenge preconceptions where scientific enquiry and problem solving are at its core. Each project has a clear outcome to work towards that enables children to develop their scientific skills, knowledge and language simultaneously. Children are also given the opportunity to go on school trips to places like Hillier Gardens and as well as to welcome visitors to the school who provide workshops that help to embed the children’s learning during a project and broaden their knowledge and cultural capital such as the Planetarium and Spirit of the Wild.
Our ambitious hands-on approach to science allows the children to experiment with different variables and find things out for themselves. Children are encouraged to pose their own questions, for example; ‘which material would make the best parachute for a rocket?’. They are then given opportunities to use their scientific skills and research to find out the answers. By working scientifically and incorporating our school’s learning values into the everyday teaching of science, children at Shakespeare Infant school will experience a purposeful and exciting curriculum that allows the children to explore and investigate the universe that surrounds them.
Working Scientifically!
Throughout our science curriculum we offer the opportunity for children to work scientifically. We encourage our pupils to be inquisitive and ask and answer questions about the world around them. Through experiment and enquiry we help the children to understand that there isn’t always one answer to a question. We provide the children with opportunities to spend time making observations and use scientific equipment, performing simple tests to draw conclusions. We offer opportunities for children to reflect on and record their findings drawing conclusions on what they have seen.
Science Learning Links!
Please click on the following link for the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Science.