
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care


Safeguarding Pupils

Every school must have a Child Protection Policy and  Safeguarding Policy. The aim of the policies are to ensure that our school has effective measures in place to safeguard your children from the potential risk of harm and that the safety and wellbeing of the children are of the highest priority in all aspects of our school's work. Having these policies in place ensure that all members of your school community:


  • Are aware of their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding and child protection
  • Know the procedures that should be followed if they have a cause for concern
  • Know where to go to find additional information regarding safeguarding
  • Are aware of the key indicators relating to child abuse
  • Fully support the school's commitment to safeguarding and child protection.


Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It presents schools with a wide range of issues that they need to be prepared for.



Let's talk PANTS


With the help of the friendly dinosaur Pantosaurus, talking PANTS is a simple way to teach your child how to stay safe from abuse.

We will  cover this in our PSHE lessons, but you may like to reinforce this at home.

Please click the link below to take you diectly to the site.






Safety on the internet

Shakespeare Infant school encourages parents and children to visit the CEOP to keep you and your friends safe with Hector Protector and his friends. Security on our computer system is a high priority because there are so many users.


Shakespeare Infant school encourages parents and children to visit the CEOP website (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) to build knowledge of how to stay safe online;. This website has lots of fun activities which children can gain vital information on staying safe.

Please click the link below to go straight to this site:



Internet access at Shakespeare Infant School is filtered by our Internet Service Provider (ISP) but ultimately, parents and guardians of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow when using media and information sources. We also have a secondary filtering provided by a dedicated internet server/router. This provides additional filtering which allows the children to only view certain pages.



Shakespeare Infant School has specially trained CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) Ambassadors who provide current advice on E-Safety to staff, parents and children. The following information can be found all around the school. If you have any worries or issues or want advice please talk to Mrs Kesterson.

What we recommend and teach the children about Personal Security Guidelines

Pupils should:


  • Never reveal personal information, either their own or others, such as home addresses, telephone numbers and personal e-mail addresses etc.

  • Not use photographs of themselves on their web pages unless the parent/guardians have given permission to do so.

  • Never meet people in person that they have contacted on the internet without a parent/guardians permission.

  • Notify their teacher whenever they come across information or messages that are dangerous, inappropriate, or make them feel uncomfortable.

  • Be aware that the author of an e-mail or web page may not be the person they claim to be.



Access Permission

Pupils are responsible for appropriate behaviour on the schools computer network just as they are in the classroom or in the school playground. Communications on the network are often public in nature. General school rules and the Behaviour Policy apply and it is expected that users will comply with the guidelines of this policy.


At the beginning of the year children are taught a series of E-Safety lessons that build their knowledge of how to stay safe online. The children also have refresher lessons each term and we take part in the nationwide Internet Safety Day.



Parental Support

Pupils could potentially have unfiltered, unsupervised internet access at home. All parents should be aware of the concerns and benefits of school internet use. Parents are therefore encouraged to look at government guidance available on the internet to help in the supervision of their children. We have also organised and will continue to organise E-Safety training for parents.


Safety on the internet for parents website address:


Broadband parental controls and internet safety for children can be found here: 

Please click here


Vodaphone have produced an excellent Digital Parenting Guide for  schools - click below to view it:

Digital Parenting Guide




Information for children can be found within the children's tab:
