
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

What support is there?

How is the decision made about what type and how much support my child will receive? 


 •Quality first teaching is delivered within the classroom setting according to each individual need. We will endeavour for your child to access as much quality first teaching as possible. See above.


•Pupil progress tracking will indicate lack of progress in particular areas which will trigger additional support.


• The class teacher alongside the INCo will discuss the child’s needs and what support would be appropriate. They will take advice from outside agencies where necessary.


•The lead teacher from the input (English and Maths), will assess within the delivery and highlight pupils needing more of the same, same day interventions which are focused (around 10 minutes) led by a highly skilled practitioner.


•Some children will require an intervention where they will receive a block of support and entry and exit data will indicate the progress made and the next steps needed. This is monitored by the INCo, Senior leadership team and Governors. The children will be aware of their next steps in learning.


• Different children will require different levels of support (time per week/ number of weeks) in order to bridge the gap to achieve age expected levels.


How do we know if it has had an impact?


• By reviewing children’s progress using Personal Plans, Domain Trackers and evidence in books thus ensuring expected or better progress is made.


• The child is making progress academically against national/age expected levels and the gap is narrowing and they are achieving age related expectations.


• Verbal feedback from the teacher, parent and pupil.


• Children may move off of the SEND register when they have ‘caught up’ or made sufficient progress but will continue to be monitored.


• Discussions and assessments from outside agencies on progress. For example : Occupational Therapists observing a child, writing a bespoke programme, school and home deliver the intervention over a set time (maybe around daily exercises), OT revisits and feedbacks around progress and next steps.


