
Shakespeare Infant School

We Care

Pupil Premium Policy



Pupil Premium Policy

 Review date: September 2024


 In addition to the standard pupil unit funding, schools also receive additional funding to specifically address inequalities between pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their potentially wealthier peers.


Pupil Premium (£1385) is paid for any pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years. Pupil Premium Plus (£2410) is allocated to Looked After Children and children adopted from care. Children who are from service families are allocated £320 per pupil.


It is our responsibility to ensure that all children in our school achieve their potential and in order to do so we seek to meet the individual needs of every child. Pupil Premium will be used and managed by us to enable us to tailor support for identified children in a range of ways appropriate to their needs.


Note: Academic Year 21-22 only-

In February 2021, the government announced a one-off recovery premium as part of its package of funding to support education recovery.


The recovery premium provides additional funding for state-funded schools in the 2021 to 2022 academic year. Building on the pupil premium, this funding will help schools to deliver evidence-based approaches for supporting disadvantaged pupils. This additional funding is documented in our Pupil Premium strategy which is published on our website.



  • We ensure that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils
  • We ensure that appropriate provision is made for pupils who belong to vulnerable groups, this includes ensuring that the needs of socially disadvantaged pupils are adequately assessed and addressed
  • In making provision for socially disadvantaged pupils, we recognise that not all pupils who receive free school meals will be socially disadvantaged
  • We also recognise that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or qualify for free school meals. We reserve the right to allocate the Pupil Premium funding to support any pupil or groups of pupils the school has legitimately identified as being socially disadvantaged.
  • Pupil premium funding will be allocated following a needs analysis which will identify priority classes, groups or individuals. Limited funding and resources means that not all children receiving free school meals will be in receipt of pupil premium interventions at one time.




All pupil premium work is aimed at accelerating progress and supporting pupils to meet their potential.

Pupil premium resources may also be used to target able children to achieve a greater depth.


  • Providing small group work with an experienced teacher or teaching assistant focussed on overcoming gaps in learning
  • Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided by trained LSAs or external agencies
  • A curriculum, under constant review, which is designed to offer maximum flexibility to meet the needs of individuals.
  • Constant staff development and training to ensure that all staff in school are able to provide for each individual child.
  • A broad and varied extra-curricular programme to offer experience outside of the classroom to all children.
  • Individual support programmes.
  • Support with meeting costs of after school activities and educational visits
  • Providing extra resources to support pupil premium children’s academic progress eg IT




It will be the responsibility of the Headteacher to produce termly reports for the Governing Body regarding:

  • the progress made towards narrowing the gap for socially disadvantaged pupils
  • an outline of the provision in place to support these pupils
  • an evaluation of the cost effectiveness, in terms of the progress made by the pupils receiving a particular provision, when compared with other forms of support


The Governors of the school will ensure that there is an annual statement to parents on how the Pupil Premium funding has been used to address the issue of ‘narrowing the gap’, for socially disadvantaged pupils. This task will be carried out within the requirements published by the Department for Education and will appear on our school website.


Current Allocation

For 2022/2023 Shakespeare Infant School's Pupil Premium allocation is £63,755


Following best practise evidence based reports, our pupil premium grant is used as follows:


Teaching –

Spending on improving teaching including:

  • professional development
  • training and support for early career teachers
  • recruitment and retention.


Ensuring an effective teacher is in front of every class, and that every teacher is supported to keep improving, is the key ingredient of a successful school and should rightly be the top priority for our Pupil Premium spending.


Targeted academic support - 

Evidence consistently shows the positive impact that targeted academic support can have, including on those who are not making good progress across the spectrum of achievement.


Considering how classroom teachers and teaching assistants can provide targeted academic support, including how to link structured one-to-one or small group intervention to classroom teaching, is a key component of our effective Pupil Premium strategy.

Wider strategies-

 Wider strategies relate to the most significant non-academic barriers to success in school, including

  • attendance
  • behaviour
  • social and emotional support


Our Pupil Premium is also used to enhance provision and support families through meeting extra-curricular costs – including supporting the funding of wrap-around provision.


We believe that these are the best ways to spend our allocation because our current support structures for all pupils who require it work very well and pupils are making good progress from their varied starting points. We will continue to track the progress of these children very closely as they move through school.
